• 959-900-8855
  • 860-785-6590


The number 01 inside an arrowhead
Environmental Assessment

Your very first appointment will assess your environmental and emotional triggers. This appointment will offer first-line-of-defense strategies that help manage stress and reduce environmental exposures.

This appointment will last one hour.

The number 02 inside an arrowhead
Nutritionist Assessment

Your second appointment, this one with our nutritionist, will assess your current dietary intake and gastrointestinal symptoms. The nutritionist will investigate your total caloric intake, vitamin and mineral status, dietary triggers, bowel function and overall wellness.

This appointment will last one hour.

The number 03 inside an arrowhead
Medical Services

Following your first two intake appointments you will then schedule to meet with Dr. Anne Maitland and/or Dr. Jessica Pizano. These appointments will integrate the findings from your first two appointments, explore root causes of your illness, review laboratory results, and begin the framework for a plan of action.

Each appointment will last one to two hours.

The pricing information that follows was updated November 19, 2021

NOTE: initial intake visits are required for all new patients. They may be omitted if you are a current patient at Mast Cell Advanced Diagnostics.

Your first two appointments:

The number 01 inside an arrowhead
The number 02 inside an arrowhead
  • Environmental Intake (1 hour)

  • CNS Intake (1 hour)

Total cost: $325.

You may then choose which medical provider to see:

The number 03 inside an arrowhead
Intake costs per provider are as follows:

  • Dr. Pizano - $700 (1.5 hours, includes chart review)

  • Dr. Maitland - $1,200 (0.75 - 1 hour, includes chart review)

Follow-up visits are:

  • Dr. Pizano - $350/hour

  • Dr. Maitland - $475/half hour

  • Chart review by Dr. Maitland - $475

Overtime rates:

  • Dr. Maitland - $75/15 minutes

  • These rates apply whenever an appointment goes past the scheduled hour or half hour.

Additional services

Rates for each follow-up appointment type are as follows:

  • Neural Retraining - $150/hour
  • Four-hour Neural Retraining Package - $500
  • Nutritionist - $175/hour

Pilates, Gyrotonic, and Gyrokinesis Training

Sessions may be booked virtually using Zoom.

Once COVID-19 is no longer an issue, appointments may also be booked in person in Midlothian, VA.

  • One hour - $100
  • Half hour - $50


  • Eight one-hour sessions - $760 ($95/session)
  • Sixteen one-hour sessions - $1,440 ($90/session) - may be paid in two installments
  • Eight half-hour sessions - $380 ($47.50/session)
  • Sixteen half-hour sessions - $720 ($45/session) - may be paid in two installments